1 Corinthians 6:19-20 "Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.
Those verses challenge me for so many reasons. They challenge me because they are verses that guide my life. Many people think I'm just a health nut, but there's more to it. We are told that are bodies are temples that house the living God! What an honor! That He would CHOOSE to dwell IN US. Wow. We are not our own, we belong to Him, we were bought at a price, and that bill of sale is the cross of Jesus Christ. Honor God with our bodies--that's what He asks of us. I'm thankful for this freedom. We were bought so we could be free.
I love those verses. But I hate those verses. I hate that not everybody experiences the freedom that was intended for them. As I pour my heart out before the Lord, regarding those who are being sex trafficked, I'm angry that they don't experience this freedom. I'm angry that while it is true that they are not their own, and they too, were bought at a price, yet their price is of monetary value, and comes with slavery, battery, sexual abuse, and severe torture. How can this be? I was bought at a price (the cross of Christ). These women have also been bought at a price (money/slavery). It's a dichotomy that I cannot piece together. I'm angry. And while my anger doesn't paralyze me, it calls me to action.
I want them to be free. I want them to know they are beautiful. I want them to know they are cared for. I want them to know, that they too, have been bought with a price (of immeasurable value), and that payment was Jesus on the cross. I want them to know that although I've never met them, and I've never heard their story, I'm praying for their freedom.
And so I will run. I will take 10 days off of work, and I will run. I will run 20 miles a day, for 10 days across the state of Minnesota, so people will hear of their stories. I will run, so they can be free.
I'm not sure if anybody is reading this. But if you are, would you prayerfully consider partnering with me?
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